Market Place with Diamond Jubilee Town Hall and pump, Kirton in Lindsey.
Serving the People of Kirton in Lindsey, Working for the Local Community
Kirton in Lindsey Town Council is a democratically elected body with a mandate to speak on behalf of all the people living within the parish boundary of Kirton in Lindsey.
The function of the Council is to act as a focus for local opinion and to liaise with other bodies and authorities in a constructive way to achieve the desired outcomes where possible.
โKirton in Lindsey Town Council constitutes 9 Councillors including the Mayor of Kirton in Lindsey. In addition, there is a Town Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer and Burial Clerk (36.5 hrs per week), Assistant Clerk (14 hrs per week) and Community Co-ordinator (8 hrs per week).
All your Councillors live in the town and understand many of the local issues. Your council is working on your behalf to improve both life and the environment in the town and maintain it’s character and nature.
โMeetings are held monthly at Kirton in Lindsey Diamond Jubilee Town Hall and start at 7pm. Meetings are open to the public. If you have a point of interest or concern that you wish to be raised at a Council meeting, please contact the Town Clerk via email on or phone 01652 648978.
This website provides easy access to information about the Town Council, the local area, news and events – as well as information for new residents or those intending to move here.
Contact Details
Town Clerk, Burial Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer - Neil Taylor-Matson
Assistant Clerk - Cheri Morton (Town Council Events & KLASSIC Park)
Community Co-ordinator - Denise Sayles (Co-ordination of town activities)
The Town Council Office, Diamond Jubilee Town Hall, High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ
What3Words: ///yummy.envisage.kinks
Clerk's contact details
Telephone: 01652 648978 Mobile: 07518 284173
Clerk's e-mail:
Assistant Clerk's contact details (Town Council Events & KLASSIC Park)
Mobile: 07936 936961
Assistant Clerk's email:
Community Co-ordinator contact details (Co-ordination of town activities)
Community Co-ordinator email:
Please note that public opening hours of the Town Council office are Tuesdays and Thursday between 12noon to 4pm.
The Clerk is also available by phone or email for any enquiries or concerns and at other times by appointment.
Find Us On:
Next Meetings
The Schedule of Meetings 2024-2025 can be viewed here.
Full Council Meetings
The next monthly meeting of Kirton in Lindsey Town Council will be held on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 7pm in the Diamond Jubilee Town Hall, High Street. The Agenda and supporting documentation will be published on the Meetings - Minutes and Agendas page from Thursday 19th September.
The next Promoting Kirton Committee Meeting will be held at the Diamond Jubilee Town Hall on Monday 9th September 2024 at 6:30pm. The Agenda is now published on the Meetings - Minutes and Agendas Page.
The next General Purposes Committee Meeting will be held at the Diamond Jubilee Town Hall on Monday 9th September 2024 at 7:30pm. The Agenda is now published on the Meetings - Minutes and Agendas Page.
The next Personnel and Disciplinary Meeting is to be confirmed. The Agenda will be published on the Meetings - Minutes and Agendas page three clear days prior to the meeting.
News and information
Car Park project update
At the Extraordinary Full Council Meeting of Kirton in Lindsey Town Council held on 28th August 2024 the members present agreed that:
All works associated with providing Kirton in Lindsey Town with a new Car Park are to be placed on hold until such time as:
Funding for the entire project[1] (from conception to end user occupation) has been secured in full without any funding taken or planned to be taken from the Town precept and the project is free of any cost to the town residents.
Potentially suitable land has been identified, is available for purchase and can be purchased for a sum not more than the market value[2] of that land.
[1] “project” is defined as Stages zero to seven (inclusive) of the RIBA Plan of Work 2020.
[2] The “market value” shall be the average of at least two independent valuers appointed by the Town Council.
This resolution was made following all Councillors who were present putting forward their points of view and concerns on a number of points, including new information that following the professional market valuation instructed by the Town Council an agreement could not be reached with the current landowners of the proposed site off Redbourne Mere/South Cliff Road.
Kirton in Lindsey Town Council cannot spend public money above market value to make purchases.
Outside Gym Equipment for KLASSIC Park
We asked you to take part in our short survey about outside gym equipment for KLASSIC Park. We were informed that funding was available from North Lincolnshire Council for this project, but we needed to move quickly to secure the funding and opened public consultation online and in person at the Town Hall with the survey closing on 4th March 2023. 196 responses were received, with 58.96% of the responses preferring the proposal by Streetscape.
Community Website launched
In addition to this information, there is also a Useful Links page which lists the contact numbers and websites for the most requested services and amenities and also a page listing places to buy food, drink and other such goodies!
Also included is a page outlining the Voluntary Car Scheme (run by Humber & Wolds Rural Action) which is available for people with genuine transport difficulties over the age of 18 to get to important appointments such as doctors, hospitals, dentists, clinics, support groups, local shops etc.
There is also a page with information about the Neighbourhood Policing Team.
The website has been created following a feasibility study funded by North Lincolnshire Council and run by Kirton in Lindsey Town Council between 2021 and 2022 which identified that there was no single place that these offerings were listed.
We hope that will become a first point of contact for anyone wanting to know what goes on in the town and hope that you will discover new activities and groups that you would like to be a part of.
If you yourself run or host a community activity or group that takes place in Kirton in Lindsey, please email to become involved.
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Recently we have again seen an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour across the town. The police have informed the Town Council that they receive few reports but notice chatter on social media about incidents they have not been made aware of.
To receive the police cover our town wants we ๐ฎ๐น๐น need to report ๐ฎ๐น๐น crimes and anti-social behaviour that are committed in our community no matter how trivial you might think they are.
We may not receive an actual visit from the police for every report, but the numbers of reports are what count to inform the police of the activity in the area.
Small incidents can lead to bigger issues and every crime or act of anti-social behaviour presents a picture of what is happening and the cover required for the town.
When incidents are reported, as soon as it is possible to do so, policing resources are allocated to protect the community.
So don’t think “it is not worth reporting” - we ๐ฎ๐น๐น have to get into the habit of reporting our concerns or the requirement for police cover will not be seen.
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Play Area survey - Have Your Say
Recently a lot of changes have taken place at the town play area on the Green.
New equipment is now installed and CCTV is in place.
Kirton in Lindsey Town Council wanted to know how the community who use the play area felt about the changes that have taken place.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part so that we can plan better for the future and continue to make sure the provision is right for Kirton in Lindsey.
Town Events Survey
Kirton in Lindsey Town Council organise various events throughout the year and in July 2023 we sought your thoughts and feedback on them.
Thank you to those who completed the survey, the results of the survey are here: Town Events Survey Report July 2023.
Local Councils Award Scheme
Local Council Award Scheme Success
In March 2021, Kirton in Lindsey Town Council was notified of its success in the Local Council Award Scheme and presented with the Foundation Award.
Local councils are at the very heart of their communities; giving neighbourhoods a voice and making people more involved in the decisions that affect them. Local councils want to serve their communities as best they can and make a real difference to the lives of the people that live there.
The Local Council Award Scheme offers Councils the opportunity to show that they meet the standards set by the sector, assessed by their peers, and to put in place the conditions for continued improvement
The award provides assurance to the Council that it is up-to-date and progressive by the standards set by the sector. For all Councils, winning the award should be a celebration for Councillors and officers, as their commitment and hard work are recognised and respected.
Receiving this award gives the local community and other local partners the confidence that the Council is delivering to a national professional standard.
The East Riding and Northern Lincolnshire Local Councils Association (ERNLLCA), who coordinated the local accreditation panel to assess the Town Council’s application, commented:
“Parish and Town councils sit at the very heart of their communities, giving neighbourhoods a voice. Through an extensive range of discretionary powers these councils also provide and maintain a variety of important and visible local services.
The Local Council Award Scheme has been designed to recognise those Parish and Town councils which wish to improve their functioning and governance and, therefore, better serve their communities.
Following a rigorous review of its application, the Local Council Award Scheme Accreditation Panel is pleased to confirm that it has awarded Foundation stage to Kirton in Lindsey Town Council.
The scheme recognises and celebrates the successes of the very best Parish and Town councils, and provides a framework to support those councils improve and develop to meet their full potential. To be granted an award under the Scheme enables councils to be an example of the very best that Town and Parish Councils can be.
ERNLLCA offers its sincere congratulations to Kirton in Lindsey Town Council on its achievement.”
The award is valid until February 2025.
Unnamed Paths Survey
Kirton in Lindsey Town Council is keen to retain the existing network of paths in the town, as if they go unrecorded they could in time be lost. Thank you to those of you who wish to see the paths protected and responded to the recent survey. The recording of the paths can only be achieved with support from residents who are happy to confirm that they use the paths and that they are needed! The Town Council survey about this closed on 30th April, and the results can be viewed here: Unnamed Paths Survey results. Thank you to everyone who responded. The next step is for an approach to North Lincolnshire Council to ask for the process to be started. If you require any further information, please contact
Communications Survey
Thank you to who those who responded to this survey. We asked you about how we communicate with you and how you prefer to communicate with us - here are the results of our recent Communications Survey. Communication Survey results
Kirton in Lindsey Annual Scarecrow Trail - the survey results!
We asked you to complete a short survey online or from the pages of Kirton First to tell us your thoughts on the annual scarecrow trail. 41 responses were received, 36 online and 5 from Kirton First. Thanks to each of you who filled in the survey, and we are pleased to present the details of the findings here.
Scarecrow Trail survey results
Community Renewal Project "Connecting Kirton" report.
Between June 2021 and June 2022 North Lincolnshire Council Community Champions Pot funded a £25,000 feasibility study focused on community renewal for Kirton in Lindsey. The project focused on mapping and understanding the different groups within the town and how they are represented, establishing a community development framework for the town and using the information gathered to begin some activities and create a plan to continue to improve the life and wellbeing of residents by planning for ongoing activity and funding.
The feasibility study report was provided to North Lincolnshire Council and Kirton in Lindsey Town Council in early July 2022 and a presentation of the report took place at the Town Council's Full Council Meeting held on 28th September 2022.
The report can be viewed by selecting here Kirton in Lindsey Feasibility Study.
Feedback received from residents will now be collated together for the Council to review and applications made for funding for a Community Co-Ordinator role in the town.