North Lincolnshire Council

Kirton in Lindsey Town Council often receives reports from members of the public regarding matters we are unfortunately responsible for, unable to control or provide help with. This is because a number of local services, including benefits, roads, council tax, housing, refuse and more are dealt with by North Lincolnshire Council.

If you are unsure which North Lincolnshire Council service you require, you can contact the Council’s main customer service line on 01724 297000.


Problem reporting

Noticed a problem within the town which needs attention? North Lincolnshire Council can be contacted direct to report and problems within the town such as dog mess, highways, flytipping and environmental health issues.  North Lincolnshire Council also has responsibilities for benefits and council tax. Residents can call the main switchboard on 01724 297000 or submit reports via the online reporting portal on the North Lincolnshire Council website

For any enquiries for matters not listed, or if you feel you have not had a satisfactory response when contacting NLC please contact the Town Clerk on 01652 648978 who will be happy to assist.

NLC Forthcoming Meetings - Please Click Here